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「Signum Magnum(伟大异象)」

2023-04-08英文翻唱歌词备份 来源:句子图

「Signum Magnum(伟大异象)」

[00:02.42]What is it your heart craves?你的心渴望什么?
[00:05.94]What if it could be made into reality,...would you trade?如果它能变成现实,你会交易吗?
[00:16.3]Your very heart and soul,price to pay for it all你的心和灵魂,付出的代价
[00:23.73]Fighting for justice forever more.永远为正义而战
[00:59.59]What is it you cry for?你为何而哭泣?
[01:03.19]Didn't I tell you that you have destined to kill them all?我不是告诉过你,你注定要杀了他们吗?
[01:14.22]Traded your very heart and soul.交换了你的心和灵魂
[01:17.66]Price you pay for it all.你为此付出的代价
[01:21.4]Fighting for justice forever more...forever more.为正义而战,永远…永远
