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楚水凉同人工作室 —— 新人报到(5)

2023-04-08同人翻译残次品同人写手耽美BG 来源:句子图
晋江原耽中翻英:《残次品》The Defective
(节选)“Her husband, Secretary General Gordon, walked down to her. Her arm winded his the way dodder flowers winded around their stem. He put a black veiled hat on her. She accepted his whole-heartedly care and adjusted then a bit her position quietly, eyeing him with an expression of admiration and dependence. Gordon was performing his sorrowful show on the stage, whilst she was playing her part under the stage -- she sometimes picked up her silk handkerchief, lightly sweeping it at the corner of her eyes.

楚水凉同人工作室 —— 新人报到

The journalists surrounded her, taking some pictures, but left in a few minutes -- Ms. Gordon looked just the same as last time when she attended the charity sale in the name of “Against Throwing Pets into the Space”. Always elegant, and dull. They could use last time’s pictures, and they were sure that nobody would find any differences.

楚水凉同人工作室 —— 新人报到
