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06 大小宝贝出游去(3)

2023-04-08 来源:句子图
Woody : I’m afraid that we cannot solve the problem this time. Things are getting out of control! {我很怕我们这次无法解决问题,一切都失控了! }
Buzz Lightyear : As long as you are here with me, everything will be fine. The important thing is that we stick together! { 只要我们在一起,事情就会好转。重要的是我们还有彼此! }

06 大小宝贝出游去

Buzz Lightyear : Woody once risked his life to save mine, and I couldn't call myself his friend if I wasn't willing to do the same. {胡迪曾涉险救我,如果我不愿做同样的事,就不能自称是他的朋友。 }

06 大小宝贝出游去
