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2023-04-08原创绘画同人三体EXO 来源:句子图
把所有期望都放在祝福上吧! Dare not say that I am a star chaser 不敢说自己是追逐星星的人 Know I'm not worth mentioning to the star 也知道自己对星星而言不值一提 Sometimes when I meet in the cold 偶尔遇见的寒冷的时候 I also thought of crying 也会有过落泪的想法 The wind makes my face red and painful 风把脸吹得通红发痛了 Put on the quilt and fall asleep 再裹上被子 Listening to the singing of the star 听着你的歌声入睡 Unwittingly walked for so long 不知不觉一路走了这么久 Until I started to be scared 直到我开始害怕 Then you also wrote scared words 后来你也写害怕的词 Do your best to complete yourself 尽全力完成自己吧 Do what you want to be 做想要成为的自己 Shine the star 闪耀吧星星啊 Please keep shining 请一直闪耀下去吧 I will …


miss silently 我会……默默想念
