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宫崎骏的名言爱情 宫崎骏童话集经典语录(16)

2022-03-14 来源:句子图

宫崎骏的名言爱情 宫崎骏童话集经典语录

回答者: 越前永夜 - 名动一方 六级 2009-11-11 14:06
我们别无选择,只能从这个流感盛行的世界出发。——宫崎骏谈《On Your Mark》
we have no choice but begin with this world in which the influenza is widespread.
我们用毒品、体育竞技或宗教等逃避对现实的关注。——宫崎骏谈《On Your Mark》
we escape from the attention on the relality with dugs, athletics, or religion.
there are something which is worth living for, such as a wonderful meeting or an existance for beautiful things, even we live in hate and killing.