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名作家励志短句 励志名言短句霸气(4)

“Pursue something so important that even if you fail, the world is better off with you having tried.”

名作家励志短句 励志名言短句霸气

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「追求重要的事物,重要到即便你失败了,这世界也会因为你努力过而更好。」– 提姆·奥莱理 (开源软体提倡者)
“Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.”
「做很棒的事,别人可能会模仿。」– 艾伯特‧史怀哲 (人道主义者)
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.”
「如果你知道你想法的力量有多大,你绝不会让自己有负面想法。」– 和平朝圣者 (和平主义者)
“Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, what do I want to do everyday for the rest of my life … Do that.”