2022-03-15 来源:句子图
1、团队中那些想用Keynote(苹果的PPT)来证明自我的人只能说明你不行,请拿出解决方案。team of people who want to use Keynote to prove themselves only shows that you can, please take out the solution.
2、产品必须是让人感觉最新,但坚决不做小白鼠去尝试前无古人的新产品。products must be feeling letting a person, but resolute don't do new mice to try an unprecedented new product.
3、领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新,你的时刻有限,因此不好像亚洲人那样,浪费在模仿别人这种事上。a leader and a follower innovation distinguishes between,your time is limited, so don't like asians that,wasted in imitate others this kind of things.