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马云经典语录大全 传递正能量(3)

马云经典语录大全 传递正能量

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12. Change is so difficult, but only to change, it is possible to succeed.
13. 此时此刻,舍我其谁?
14. Chicken called the day will be bright, the chicken is not called days or will be bright, day does not bright chicken said. The problem is the dawn, who woke up?
15. 小时候自学英文,整天在西湖边找外国游客练口语,我对自己的英文发音很自信。考进师范大学,同学大多来自农村,发音滑稽。期末考试,语音老师却给了我59分,全班倒数第二。当时气愤,郁闷,怨恨。如今我最感谢的是这个大学四年中唯一的不及格。很多时候伤疤比奖牌更为珍贵,重要的是对待伤疤的态度。
16. A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, but a general who is not a good soldier is certainly not a good soldier.