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诚实守信的名人名言大全 言不伤人,诺不轻许!【图】(6)

42. 言无常信,行无常贞,惟利所在,无所不倾,若是则可谓小人矣——荀子
43. Good faith is the basis of human conduct, the good faith is the pivot of enterprise, the good faith is the starting point of success。
44. 虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕。 泰戈尔

诚实守信的名人名言大全 言不伤人,诺不轻许!【图】

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45. Honesty is the lifeblood of life, is the foundation of all values。
46. 承诺重于泰山,信誉高于生命。
47. 言忠信,行笃敬。——论语
48. Speak words, do things will be integrity, good faith people worship。
49. 九牛一毫莫自夸,骄傲自满必翻车。——陈毅