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【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 4(5)

2023-04-08同人翻译残次品同人写手耽美BG 来源:句子图
He stutters, “Umm...me?”
The girl squints at him with vigilance. “Is that your kid?” She lifts her chin and nods at the kid.
His face suddenly falls but he is pretending to be calm, hiding the tension in his eyes. “W-what? You m-must had be, be wrong. What kid? Th-this old man’s like a c-crinkled monkey. He i-is small, but no, no kid. See!” the “tramp” replies with a forced smile.

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 4

He pushes the man to the front of the girl. In that instant, she feels as if a broken-down screen burst upon her eyes, on which a crying kid and a nasty old man alternately present.
She frowns, steps forward, and tilts her head with a sense of suspicion. “Weird.” 
Seeing his trick works, the “tramp” grins, showing his broken brown teeth, “See, I, I have t-told you…”

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 4
