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【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 2

2023-04-08同人翻译残次品同人写手耽美BG 来源:句子图

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 2

前文: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
On the next day, the Spaceship Deep drove away from Silver Fortress. It left silently like a tiny boat sailing in the expanse universe. Outside the artificial atmosphere, the hyper-dimension force made a narrow passage for the Deep, watching the end of the dictator.
Unarmed spaceship is banned from installing transit driver. By normal procedures, it would take thirteen days for the Deep to pass six outposts along the way from Silver Fortress to Walter.

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 2
