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【秀逗魔导士】op1英文翻唱—Get Along

2023-04-08英文翻唱歌词备份 来源:句子图

【秀逗魔导士】op1英文翻唱—Get Along

[00:00.7]作曲 : 佐藤英敏 [00:00.52]编曲 : 大平勉 [00:01.33]原唱:林原惠美/奥井雅美 [00:02.21]翻唱:Milky/Sapphire [00:03.3] [00:04.00]Where monsters rampage I"m there to take them down! [00:04.00]哪里有怪物肆虐横行,我就到那去将它们打倒! [00:07.32]Where treasure glitters I"m there to claim it! [00:07.32]哪里有宝藏闪闪发光,我就到那去一个人独占! [00:10.14] Where enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine! [00:10.14]哪里有敌人斗胆来挑战我,胜利也将是我的!
[00:14.52] [00:15.66]Feel the wind, and feel the fire [00:15.66]感受狂风,感受烈火 [00:17.94]Roarin", gettin" higher [00:17.94]狂风呼啸,烈火冲天 [00:19.65]Risin" while my enemies face me down [00:19.65]敌人卷土重来 [00:22.45]With the snap of just a finger [00:22.45]只需弹指一挥 [00:24.36]Time they got the picture [00:24.36]他们就将看清形势 [00:26.9]Boom! They"re dead and buried and in the ground [00:26.9]轰!

【秀逗魔导士】op1英文翻唱—Get Along
