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【秀逗魔导士】op1英文翻唱—Get Along(2)

2023-04-08英文翻唱歌词备份 来源:句子图
他们死期已到,埋他们进黄土 [00:28.95] [00:28.96]I"m a star, and I"m a knockout [00:28.96]我是明日之星,我是绝代佳人 [00:30.78]Yeah, you better watch out [00:30.78]是的,你最好当心 [00:32.41]Ooh, but if you"re jealous get out the way [00:32.41]哦,但如果你嫉妒了,那赶紧让道 [00:35.28]Don"t have time for hesitation [00:35.28]无需浪费时间优柔寡断 [00:37.13]Pure annihilation [00:37.13]纯粹的湮灭 [00:38.71]That"s the only thing that my foes"ll face [00:38.71]这是我的敌人唯一要面对的事情 [00:41.55] [00:41.82]Hey, you wanna try it? [00:41.82]嘿,你想试试吗?

【秀逗魔导士】op1英文翻唱—Get Along

[00:43.45]Ooh, I wanna try it! [00:43.45]哦,我想试试看! [00:45.4]Boy, you oughta know that I"m a wild girl [00:45.4]男孩,你应该知道我是个野女孩 [00:47.79] [00:47.98]Don"t have time for your games [00:47.98]没有时间和你玩游戏 [00:49.22]Better watch what you say [00:49.22]你最好说话小心点 [00:50.89]Or I"ll send you right straight to hell [00:50.89]不然我会直接送你下地狱 [00:54.29] [00:54.51](Not gonna lie) [00:54.51]别想对我撒谎 [00:55.78] [00:55.79]Far away [00:55.79]路途遥远 [00:56.45]I"m going where I want to forever [00:56.45]我也要前往梦想之地 [00:59.20]Never giving in, I"ll never surrender [00:59.20]永不放弃,我永不屈服 [01:02.37] [01:02.77]Stare down the darkest days with a laugh and a wink and a smile [01:02.77]用欢笑,眨眼和笑脸凝视最黑暗的日子 [01:08.29] [01:08.30]Far away [01:08.30]路途遥远 [01:09.0]I"m going where I want to forever [01:09.0]我也要前往梦想之地 [01:12.33]Burnin" with a fire, so, baby, remember [01:12.33]我心燃烈火,所以,亲爱的,请记住 [01:15.50] [01:15.75]I"m out to reach my dream but there"s no guarantee that it"s you [01:15.75]我不可能因为你而放弃我的梦想 [01:20.97] [01:22.98]Go as far as you can go [01:22.98]尽你所能地远走 [01:25.98]Get Along, Try Again [01:25.98]前进吧,再次尝试 [01:29.34]

【秀逗魔导士】op1英文翻唱—Get Along
