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鹿目圆角色歌「また あした(明天再见)」

2023-04-08英文翻唱歌词备份 来源:句子图

鹿目圆角色歌「また あした(明天再见)」

[00:00.82]作词/作曲:hanawaya [00:01.29]编曲:流歌、田口智则 [00:01.72]原唱:悠木碧 [00:02.7]翻唱:INS0MNI0 [00:03.43]「See you again」I say,turning to walk away [00:03.43]「再见」我边说,边转身离去 [00:07.25]Forcing a smile today although I'm lonely [00:07.25]尽管我很孤独,但今天仍要强颜欢笑 [00:12.56] [00:19.66]People walking up the bridge [00:19.66]走在桥上的人们 [00:22.77]Bikes in hand, as well as their smile [00:22.77]推着自行车,面带笑容 [00:26.88]Somebody at the convenience store [00:26.88]便利店的人们 [00:30.22]Gossips within the aisle [00:30.22]在过道闲聊 [00:34.99]The flashing of traffic lights [00:34.99]我仍能看到交通灯的闪烁 [00:38.30]The sound of cars, although far away [00:38.30]听到汽车的声音,尽管我已渐行渐远 [00:42.4]Strangers that are making up jokes [00:42.4]开玩笑的陌生人 [00:45.67]They laugh throughout the day [00:45.67]他们整天欢笑 [00:49.52]Walking alone today, I'm used to it [00:49.52]今天仍旧独行,我已经习惯了 [00:53.17]Although the city seems so bland [00:53.17]虽然这个城市看起来很平淡 [00:56.51]But as I move forward I am just not so sure [00:56.51]但随着我的前行,我不太确定 [01:01.76]Somehow I feel lonely [01:01.76]不知怎么的,我感到孤独 [01:04.29]Smaller than I usually am [01:04.29]我比平常还要渺小 [01:08.18] [01:09.37]「See you again」I say, turning to walk away [01:09.37]「再见」我边说,边转身离开 [01:12.38]Cracking a small smile, although I'm so lonely [01:12.38]仍然要展颜微笑,虽然我感觉很孤独 [01:18.22]But you know the truth is I still have a lot more to say [01:18.22]但你知道事实是我还有很多话要说 [01:23.94]See you again my friend, won't leave 'till the end [01:23.94]再见,我的朋友,我不到最后一刻不想离开 [01:28.74]I say we'll meet again, but I know I'm lying [01:28.74]我说我们会再见面,但我知道我在撒谎 [01:33.60]And with my usual smile, I turn and say to you 「See you tomorrow」 [01:33.60]带着平常的微笑,我转身对你说「明天再见」 [01:42.51] [01:59.41]Walking through a busy street [01:59.41]穿过繁忙的街道 [02:03.40]I still pretend I'm used to being alone [02:03.40]我还是习惯于一个人呆着 [02:07.13]I know that it's just a lie [02:07.13]我知道这只是个谎言 [02:10.93]I'm really not that strong [02:10.93]我真的没那么坚强 [02:14.44]The scenery I know never changes [02:14.44]我知道的风景永远不会改变 [02:18.39]The city is the same as always [02:18.39]这座城市一如既往 [02:21.47]Even though I think everything will stay the same [02:21.47]尽管我认为一切都会保持不变 [02:25.92]I feel like I am the only one who's feeling small [02:25.92]我却觉得我是唯一感到渺小的人 [02:34.13]Instead of a sad 「I will see you soon」 [02:34.13]不是悲伤的「不久后再见」 [02:37.44]I should've shouted out 「I will stay with you」 [02:37.44]我应该大喊「我会和你在一起」 [02:42.14]I really hoped you'd grab my hand and shouted out you knew it too [02:42.14]我真的希望你能抓住我的手,大声说你也是这样想的 [02:48.19]See you again my friend, won't leave 'till the end [02:48.19]再见,我的朋友,不到最后一刻不想离开 [02:52.79]I know I'm just lying once again [02:52.79]我知道我又在撒谎了 [02:58.2]And with my usual smile, my feelings disappear just for a while [02:58.2]带着我平常的微笑,我的忧伤感觉消失了一会儿 [03:07.94] [03:19.85]「See you again」I say, turning to walk away [03:19.85]「再见」我边说,边转身离开 [03:23.25]Cracking a small smile, although I'm so lonely [03:23.25]仍然要露出微笑,尽管我很孤独 [03:28.27]But you know the truth is I still have a lot more to say [03:28.27]但你知道事实是我还有很多话要说 [03:34.87]「See you again」I say, I know my voice sways [03:34.87]「再见」我说,我知道我的声音在颤抖 [03:39.36]My voice keeps us apart so I can't reach you [03:39.36]我的声音把我们分开,以至于我无法再联系到你 [03:44.29]So let me say to you, just like I always do, once more [03:44.29]所以让我对你说,就像我以前一样,再一次 [03:54.12]「See you tomorrow」 [03:54.12]「明天再见」 [03:58.34]

鹿目圆角色歌「また あした(明天再见)」
