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红蓝角色歌「And I’m Home」

2023-04-08英文翻唱歌词备份 来源:句子图

红蓝角色歌「And I’m Home」

[00:01.77] [00:15.56]A heart that beats in time with mine [00:15.56]我的心伴随你而跳动 [00:18.56]Here in our soundless lives by [00:18.56]我们无声相互依存 [00:21.29]What world is seen through your eyes? [00:21.29]你双眸洞察到怎样的世界? [00:24.2]I'm looking for the girl that said [00:24.2]我在苦苦追寻一个女孩,她曾说 [00:26.72]"See you again, my friend" [00:26.72]后会有期,我的朋友 [00:28.91]Looking over and over again [00:28.91]不断不断地寻找 [00:31.64]Just look behind [00:31.64]只要回首 [00:32.95]You're sure to find [00:32.95]你就能发现 [00:34.33]A lonely person that has been crying for all this time [00:34.33]一个孤独哭泣的人 [00:34.33]A harsher place [00:34.33]在严酷的场所 [00:40.50]A lonely face [00:40.50]那寂寞的脸庞 [00:42.30]but then然而 [00:43.13]It all changes when you’re holding my hand [00:43.13]一切都在你紧握我手时发生改变 [00:47.44]No matter how you hide your feelings deep inside [00:47.44]无论你如何隐藏自己内心深处 [00:51.5]Remember that I'll always hold you here [00:51.5]记住我都会在此守护你 [00:54.73]Even with these mistakes [00:54.73]尽管犯了诸多错误 [00:57.65]No, I won't break [00:57.65]不,我不会崩溃 [00:59.51]I'll be stronger by your side [00:59.51]在你身旁我会更加坚强 [01:02.49]The tears and all the hate [01:02.49]泪水与悔恨 [01:04.44]A sigh I let escape [01:04.44]我错失的启示 [01:06.26]But this is where we are, you're here with me [01:06.26]但是我们在此处,你与平常日子里 [01:13.10]We'll laugh and play [01:13.10]我们一同欢笑玩耍 [01:15.16]I pray [01:15.16]我祈祷 [01:16.0]I pray [01:16.0]我祈祷 [01:17.1]Please stay…