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宫崎骏的名言爱情 宫崎骏童话集经典语录(21)

2022-03-14 来源:句子图

宫崎骏的名言爱情 宫崎骏童话集经典语录

“这是一个没有武器和超能力打斗的冒险故事,它描述的不是正义和邪恶的斗争,而是在善恶交错的社会里如何生存。学习人类的友爱,发挥人本身的智慧,最终千寻回到了人类社会,但这并非因为她彻底打败了恶势力,而是由于她挖掘出了自身蕴涵的生命力的缘故。现在的日本社会越来越暧昧,好恶难辨,用动画世界里的人物来讲述生活的理由和力量,这就是我制作电影时所考虑的。”——(《千与千寻》 宫崎骏)
it is an adventure stroy without any weapon and fighing with super power. it does not decribe the fighting between justice and evil, but teach people how to survive in the society in which justice and evil coexist. learning human"s love, using human"s intelligence, 千寻 ultimately return human"s society. That is not because she defeats the evil things thoroughly, but because she is successful to exploit her own vitality which is concealed in her body. the Japanese society are becoming more and more ambiguous and paradoxical. So, when i am making my film, my consideration is telling the reasons and strengths of the life by using characters in my animation world.