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【忧国的莫里亚蒂】【英文翻唱】OP「DYING WISH(临终遗愿)」(5)

2023-04-08英文翻唱歌词备份 来源:句子图
[02:40.28]Another tortured mind to shake, with your heart filling wide
[02:44.92]When you lose your life
[02:46.43]Lord of Crime
[02:48.62]Deciding sacrifice that's nameless
[02:51.23]In final moments like the day that our freedom came alive, you chewed and pried
[02:58.41]Rightly make the sacrifice

【忧国的莫里亚蒂】【英文翻唱】OP「DYING WISH(临终遗愿)」

[03:03.56]Quietly, you close your eyes
[03:09.35]For leaders that sympathize
[03:12.47]Get up and fight now
[03:13.90]Disobey God's cruel design
[03:19.83]It's the life inside
[03:22.95]You'll have to stay alive to save it
[03:25.60]Another sacrifice to make, with your heart thrilled to fly

【忧国的莫里亚蒂】【英文翻唱】OP「DYING WISH(临终遗愿)」
