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【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 4(8)

2023-04-09同人翻译残次品同人写手耽美BG 来源:句子图
“Yo...you’re not human.”
The “tramp” quirked into a mischievous grin with blue veins standing out on his hands, the fan-like huge hands, grabbing her head.
At this very moment, with a glare flash, 3 or 4 high-speed motors plummet from the air, which is an obvious violation to the restriction of “No High-speed Motors within a 100-meter Height”, though.

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 4

Thundering engine sound rises following the glare, and a swirling wind sweeps through then.
The “tramp” seems to find out something -- his face becomes stone all of a sudden and he lets go of the girl -- and is about to run.
The swirling wind blows the little boy, who is left behind, into the air.
That monster bounces like a beast, and stops over at the top of a wall, disappearing with a flash coming from his own body.

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 4
