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【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 2(2)

2023-04-08同人翻译残次品同人写手耽美BG 来源:句子图
On the fourth day when the Deep passed by Sima(the name of a planet), it ran up against an asteroid stream. In order to avoid it, the Deep should have intended to stop for some time. However, a four-day late of the Deep made the Walter 4th Army, who took LIN as the most dangerous man, so scared that it sent a level 1 alert for 12 times within a day to order the Deep to hurry on its journey. 

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 2

The Deep had to make a detour to the Rose Heart — the only zone unexplored in Galaxy I.
On 6th June, 270, the Deep was attacked by a group of Star Pirates hiding in the periphery of the Rose Heart. The Deep crashed and General LIN was assassinated.
It came to the Capital Star with a bang, people exploding, and the Silver 10 mutinying, occasioning collapse of the Silver Fortress. Marshal Woolf, who heard the melancholy news of LIN’s death, threw his resignation letter down to the round table of Union Parliament in a rage. When it rained it poured — the Star Pirates smelt fishy and rushed back, assaulting the civil channel of the Galaxy Ⅵ, though they had been beaten away from the Seven Official Galaxies and the Galaxy Ⅷ since 10 years ago by General LIN. The Union Military Commission was in complete chaos and incapable to react immediately, resulting in mass casualties.