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【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 2(3)

2023-04-08同人翻译残次品同人写手耽美BG 来源:句子图

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 2

This chain of incidents was defined as “Silver Disaster” in the history book.
From the Galaxy Ⅵ to the Galaxy Ⅰ, a large crowd of people marched through by Transit Station as fast as the spread of a pandemic.
Under the crazy pressure from public voice, Walter couldn’t help but turned into a differently gentle tone. The Union tried its best to settle down the Military Commission, simply forgetting its order to ask General LIN back by force — it seemed that all the Union government officials, unfortunately, caught amnesia in one time. The Union delivered a statement to mourn and praise the great General LIN, just as long and as “beautiful” as the last statement they made to insult him.

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 2
