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【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 1(后续会推出脆皮鸭文学英语翻译课堂(2)

2023-04-08同人翻译残次品同人写手耽美BG 来源:句子图
General LIN: Premeditate a Revolt?
By the end of March, the Silver Fortress was completely sealed off, surrounded by a troop made up of five hundred hyper-dimension starships docking outside the artificial atmosphere. Soldiers in the fortress retargeted the missile at their comrades. Both sides seemed to be mired in a stalemate.

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective  Chapter 1(后续会推出脆皮鸭文学英语翻译课堂

Until the night, 26 March, the tension had lasted for about 48 hours.
The captain of guard puts rum and ice on the desk, without making any noise. He then clicks his heels to stand at attention, ready to leave politely. The general, standing next to the window, snaps his fingers to motion for the captain to stay.
He is a tall man, terribly sensible. Just as the rumour says, from head to toe, he seems rigorous like a machine. The “machine” picks up the wineglass, adding a few pieces of ice at random. Around his left ear winds a shadow — a communication connected, the general is talking to someone.

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective  Chapter 1(后续会推出脆皮鸭文学英语翻译课堂
