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【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective Chapter 1(后续会推出脆皮鸭文学英语翻译课堂(7)

2023-04-08同人翻译残次品同人写手耽美BG 来源:句子图
“Yes, sir. I am an honour graduate of the 260th class of Ulan Academy!”
“What do your parents do? Do you have siblings?”
Lode is confused, wondering why the General talks about his family at this killing moment, but he answers rigidly, “My father runs a medical institute and my mother teaches at the Ulan Academy. I have an older brother and a younger sister.”

【耽美/科幻/中译英】残次品The Defective  Chapter 1(后续会推出脆皮鸭文学英语翻译课堂

LIN smiles drily.
Such an immature boy talks about fight at ease. Fight with whom?
Your parents and siblings proud of you?
The Military Academy No. 1, also called Ulan Academy, is so-called the cradle of senior officers. Actually, only a scant number of its graduates are able to enter the Silver Fortress.
The future job arrangement of the Ulan graduates depends on not only their scores but their registered residences. The politicians claim that it is a humane method to ensure that the soldiers won’t be forced to be far from home. It results in that the Silver Fortress, which is located in the Galaxy Ⅰ, can only enroll graduates from the Galaxy Ⅰ, who enjoy high social status and whose parents are always wealthy merchants, intellectuals, even officials or politicians.