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沙耶香角色歌Hero of Justice(2)

2023-04-08英文翻唱歌词备份 来源:句子图
[00:45.53]As long as I can keep my promise to you... 只要我能遵守我对你的承诺
[00:50.84]I know... 我知道
[00:54.94]Stories don't always come true 故事并不总是成真的
[00:59.9]But I pray in my heart that my courage will be 但我在心里祈祷我的勇气
[01:03.76]Just enough to set you free. 就足够让你自由了
[01:08.60]One day, my journey will find its reward 总有一天,我的旅程会得到回报
[01:12.94]I'll give my life and I'll suffer in silence 我将献出我的生命,我将被沉默折磨
[01:17.54]I'll fight for justice with all that I am, 我会用我的一切为正义而战
[01:21.87]And all this to give your soul freedom again.所有这些都是为了让你的灵魂重获自由
