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巴麻美角色歌「未来/Credens justitiam(信仰正义)」(2)

2023-04-08英文翻唱歌词备份 来源:句子图
[00:41.44]Feeling these hopeful hearts beating感受这些充满希望的心在跳动
[00:53.43]Comes the dawning sky, and marks黎明的天空出现了,标志着
[00:56.88]A tomorrow crumbling and bursting at the seams一个在接缝中摇摇欲坠,破碎不堪的明天
[01:04.37]Yet somewhere within the dark,但在黑暗中的某个地方
[01:09.1]Someone reached for that destiny, so I’ll still dream有人抓住了那个命运,所以我还是会梦想
[01:14.92]That day I prayed for your embrace得到你拥抱的那天
[01:18.53]Graced my face with tears since I knew you won’t hear自我知道你再听不见后,我就泪流满面
[01:23.47]Anything I plead, but I won’t walk away我愿意付出所有,但我不会离去

巴麻美角色歌「未来/Credens justitiam(信仰正义)」

[01:30.38]By your side, hold me tight, always在你身边,紧紧地抱着我,无时无刻
[01:41.70]Lonesome souls, connected by a broken pulse孤独的灵魂,被破碎的脉搏联系在一起
[01:47.4]Take some solace in the fact we’ve all lost things we treasured most我们都失去了我们最珍惜的东西,互相抚慰吧
[01:54.72]Taking each step lightly, never say sorry for continuing to believe轻松地迈出每一步吧,永远不要因为继续相信而道歉
[02:06.88]Our shared fate awaits, so come with me我们的命运在等着我们,所以跟我来吧
[03:03.54]Come each day, the town is still日子过去,小镇依旧
[03:07.62]Resonating wistfully with each day you paint与你描绘的每一天产生渴望的共鸣