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2023-04-08英文翻唱歌词备份 来源:句子图
[00:49.16] [00:49.92]I remember you from a dream I thought was truth 在恍然真实的梦境里 我见过你 [00:53.76]You bright with magic, and I blinded by my youth 你闪耀着的魔法 指引着年少盲目的我 [00:57.58]All I wish is for your hand to hold, you see 我只希望你能握住我的手,你会知道 [01:01.45]Only your smile kills the dark in me 只有你的微笑 能粉碎我的黑暗 [01:05.37]With these hands, I’ve tried to hold what I cannot seize 这双手 试图抓住那无形的命运 [01:09.9]I’m like a rose thrown into a violent breeze 一如狂风中被丢弃的残花 [01:13.12]All my strength blown away, 等到所有的力气散去 [01:15.0]with my heart I will stay 只留下这颗执着的心 [01:16.90]Praying for light, guiding my wish with all my might 我祈求光明 用尽全力寻找所有的希望 [01:26.4] [01:30.0]One day, it will come true 终有一日 梦会成真 [01:32.49]That wish you have inside you To save the one that you love 你会为了所爱之人 释放内心深处的愿望 [01:35.99](Is that a selfish act) (这么做是否自私?


) [01:37.89]It will capture you heart 它会俘获你的心 [01:39.78]This love born under the stars 这份爱诞生于星辰之下 [01:41.78]You’ll say things you’ve never heard 你会说出未知的话 [01:43.80](Just how will you react?) (那么你该如何回应?) [01:45.52]If I can go on and not lose my way 倘若我能坚持到底 不再迷失 [01:48.34]I will sacrifice all my heart and let it fray to pieces 我会献出心脏 哪怕支离破碎 也无妨 [01:53.55]What I really need is a spell to cast 我真正需要的 只是一句古老咒语 [01:56.44] To stand up against all the pain and fear that will always last 让我勇敢面对 那挥之不去的痛苦和恐惧 [02:03.12]You are still lost in a dream, like a memory 你是沉沦梦中的记忆 [02:06.94]I’m not the same, it would seem I’m still wide awake 而我仍活在辗转难眠的明天 [02:10.83]Until we open our eyes at the same time 直到我们同时醒来 [02:14.60]I will keep marching on into your light 我将继续朝着你的光芒前进 [02:18.52]Will these hands, I’ve picked a rose and have stopped its life 颤抖的双手 摘下玫瑰 终其生命 [02:22.21]Only now I understand, it’s not what’s right 如今才明白 那未必正确 [02:26.3]Deep inside, I‘m alive, 要活下去 我深信 [02:27.95]for my love, I’ll survive 战斗下去 为所爱 [02:29.95]I won’t regret making this sinful wish of mine 无论背负怎样罪恶的愿望 都绝不后悔 [02:40.89] [03:34.26]The stories that I heard as a child kept me dreaming 曾听过的古老传说 让我痴迷不已 [03:41.49]Where magic runs free and stars held captive 在那里魔力自由绽放 星辰虽被囚禁 [03:45.5]remain always gleaming仍然闪耀不已 [03:49.83] The fairytales I loved have taught me (have taught me) 我爱的童话教会了我(教会了我) [03:53.75]No matter what hurdles there may be, your wish comes true 不管前方会有什么阻碍 你的愿望终会实现 [03:58.69](Was I a fool to trust in those lies?) (深信谎言的我 是否已无可救药?) [04:06.68] [04:14.4]In the night, wild with fright, the old magic stirs 那一晚 古老的魔法带着恐惧 四面而起 [04:17.45]Blooming with grace, it will rise up to meet your face那些魔力温柔地绽放于你眼前 [04:21.23]With your hands, you can change this whole world of yours “ 你的双手 能够改变整个世界” [04:25.21]Everything that you wish for is in your grasp “你所憧憬的一切 掌握在你的双手之中” [04:29.9]All I want is to forever dream with you 我只愿能永远与你在梦中同行 [04:32.94]To live a life where all of me is alive 只为活在 不再虚无的明日 [04:36.84]Deep inside, I will give all my love, just to live 内心深处 我会献出所有的爱 只为你一人而活 [04:40.60]I won’t regret making this sinful wish of mine 无论背负怎样罪恶的愿望 也绝不后悔 [04:50.38]

