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【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)(12)

2023-04-08Ylvis海绵宝宝姆明moominDEH 来源:句子图

【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)

卡拉蒙从来没有真正明白雷斯林害怕什么,不知道什么样的异界幽灵惊扰他的睡眠。但他知道这一点: 这是小雷,他用干草车送到魔法学校的弟弟,一路在索拉斯街道的坑坑洼洼中颠簸。
“They call me Fistandantilus.” Movement in the dark as Raistlin reaches for the blood-red ruby that hangs from his neck; a relic from the old lich whose body, Raistlin said once, this used to be.
“其他人叫我费斯坦提鲁斯。” 在黑暗中,雷斯特林伸手去碰他脖子上挂着的红宝石; 这是老巫妖尸体上的遗物,雷斯特林曾经告诉他。
“It’s just a name,” Caramon says.
Raistlin nods. “And everything that happened?” he whispers.

【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)
