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【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)(13)

2023-04-08Ylvis海绵宝宝姆明moominDEH 来源:句子图
雷斯林点点头。“那发生过的这一切呢? ”他低声说。
“It was just a bad dream, Raist.”
Raistlin laughs softly and his eyes slip closed; he leans into Caramon, small and warm, and Caramon willingly takes the weight; Raistlin reaches up to touch his face, fingers cool and dry, and leans up to kiss him. There is the scent of roses and the taste of Raistlin's tea, the cup half-empty and gone cold on the table.

【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)

There is blood between them—blood that mingled in the womb, blood shed over ritual and battle, blood Caramon dabbed away from Raistlin’s lips on terribly damp nights when their ragtag party huddled round a dying fire, Raistlin clutching tepid tea and the Staff of Magius to his chest. Before, it sat between them sick and stagnant, curdling like milk in summer heat. But now Raistlin tastes like ash and wine, sweet and heady and maybe, maybe, this time it will not end in cold lightning and a funeral pyre.

【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)
