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【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)(14)

2023-04-08Ylvis海绵宝宝姆明moominDEH 来源:句子图
他们之间有血的联系——同一个子宫里交融的血脉,仪式和战斗中沾染的的血液,在极度潮湿的夜晚,当乌合之众围绕着一团将熄的火堆挤作一团时,卡拉蒙从雷斯林的嘴唇上吻掉的血,雷斯林会紧紧抓着温热的茶,胸前抱着他的法杖。 以前,这血的联系在他们之间恶心地胶着停滞,像牛奶在夏天的温热中那样凝结。但是现在,雷斯林尝起来像灰烬和酒,甜蜜而令人陶醉。也许这一次,这一切不会在寒冷的闪电和火葬柴堆中结束。
(And if there is the persistent sense that all this is just a dream, then Caramon would really rather they never wake up.)
Raistlin pulls away first, looks into Caramon's eyes and smiles at him. "Good night, brother," he says, and curls up on the pallet, still turned towards him. Caramon runs his fingers over Raistlin’s closed eyelids, the curve of his cheek; it is not a familiar face but still his beloved brother’s face, Raist’s face, and Caramon smiles as its expression smoothens in sleep.

【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)

雷斯林先退开,望进卡拉蒙的眼睛,对他微笑。 “晚安,哥哥,”他说着,蜷缩在草铺上,仍然面对他。卡拉蒙的手指抚过雷斯林紧闭的眼睑,抚过他脸颊的弧线; 这不是一张熟悉的脸,但仍然是他亲爱的弟弟的脸,小雷的脸。他脸上的表情在睡梦中变得柔软,卡拉蒙对着他笑了起来。
After he is sure Raistlin is asleep he blows out the candle lightly, leaves for his own tent. Outside by the dying embers of an evening’s fire, Crysania, clutching her medallion of Paladine absently to her chest as she turns her face to the sky where Solinari is high. Her eyes are blank, and Caramon knows she is thinking of something else.