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【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)(3)

2023-04-08Ylvis海绵宝宝姆明moominDEH 来源:句子图
“But, General,” they say, with the rigid posture of fear, “isn’t it bad luck to have a mage in the army?”
“但是,将军,”他们说,姿势因恐惧而僵硬,“军队里有一个法师不是很倒霉吗? ”
Caramon just guffaws. “Bad luck – bad luck, you say! Have we had anything but good fortune on this campaign? Good weather, strong wine, loyal companions-in-arms? The mage is the best luck we have ever come across. Everything this army is, we owe to him. So pay him the respect he deserves, will you?”

【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)

卡拉蒙只是大笑。“倒霉——你居然说是倒霉!我们在这一战中难道还不够幸运吗?我们有好天气,烈酒,还有忠诚的战友?法师是我们遇到的最好的运气。这支军队的一切都是他的功劳。所以给他应有的尊重,好吗? ”
Later, when he retires to his tent for the evening, Raistlin says, “Back from another day of cavorting?”
晚些时候,当他晚上回到自己的帐篷时,雷斯林说: “又是欢乐的一天? ”
“Another day of defending your honor against the ignorant and presumptuous, brother,” Caramon says.
Raistlin’s smile is warm, and in the past such a thing would make Caramon feel very, very cold, because Raistlin sees many, many layers deeper than Caramon ever can and Raistlin never yields advantage. But this is a different time, a different and far happier place, and Caramon can make himself believe that Raistlin is different, too.