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【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)(5)

2023-04-08Ylvis海绵宝宝姆明moominDEH 来源:句子图
Raistlin rises and announces he will return to his own tent to study his spells. Caramon remains for a while to clear the table, and seeing that Raistlin has left his tea, picks it up and follows him from the tent.
“A game of chess, brother?” Raistlin says, when Caramon has set down the mug of tea on the small sturdy table by the Raistlin's pallet. Caramon nods, fetches the case – the one non-essential item Raistlin allows himself – and sets the game up on the floor next to the table.

【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)

“下盘棋吧,哥哥? ” 当卡拉蒙把茶杯放在雷斯林的草铺旁边结实的小桌子上时,雷斯林说。卡拉蒙点点头,拿起棋盘——雷斯林允许自己带的唯一一件非必需品——把棋局设在桌旁的地板上。
After Raistlin had introduced the game Caramon had picked it up quickly, seeing in the movement of pawn and bishop and knight the strength and directional force of his own growing army. He plays white, of course, for knight’s honor, for Lady Crysania’s favour and for the sign of Paladine. Raistlin plays black, for his magic and for the role of defender he plays to Caramon's invader. Without fail, he wins. Caramon can never best his brother in a game of wits. Yet he learns, still, when Raistlin explains traps and forks and pins. Teaches Caramon how to avoid them all, and then wins a completely different way.