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【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)(8)

2023-04-08Ylvis海绵宝宝姆明moominDEH 来源:句子图
The first time Caramon saw Raistlin smile in this place, it had surprised him. For so long, he hadn’t thought Raistlin capable. But there are many more things in this place and time that will bring a smile to Raistlin's face: power over men, or being able to stand on his own without collapsing in the wind. Crysania.

【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)

They can make up lost time now, at any rate. The whole world laid out before them both for the taking. This is the way it should always have been. This is the way it should always be.
Raistlin is not pretty by any measure, and none of the men outside would glance at him twice if they met him in a tavern — but Caramon thinks he’s beautiful, with the sort of fondness that grows from familiarity.

【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)
