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【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)(9)

2023-04-08Ylvis海绵宝宝姆明moominDEH 来源:句子图
(Oh, he knows Raistlin would burn him to ash without a reason—has burned his image to ash for no reason at all – but for now, they need each other.)
Night is rapidly falling and Caramon fetches the lamp from Raistlin’s desk, lays it on the ground between them net to the chess set, and hears Raistlin set the wick alight with his magic words. It’s different from what he says to light the Staff of Magius. Raistlin had explained inflections and word stems to Caramon before, and then said he won’t do it again since Caramon was uninterested enough to fall asleep the first time.

【龙枪骨科/无授翻】Unspeakable Road (By Laburnum)

There was no bitterness in it.
(When they were children they discovered a nest of wriggling baby rabbits, the mother dead by the roadside. Raistlin said then they’d die of cold and hunger in three days, so Caramon put them in a box and brought them home, out of the wind, and morning and evening he fed them milk from the nursing barn cats. They died anyway. Raistlin is never wrong. But, Caramon reasons, it was worth a shot.